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How To Stop Safaricom From Using Airtime When Bundles Are Over

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How do you stop Safaricom from using your airtime when bundles are over?

Broadband users prefer to browse with bundles in place of airtime because they are more affordable. It is for this reason that Safaricom subscribers have welcomed the newly adopted data management service. With the new tool in town, it is now possible to safeguard airtime against any online activity. Instead of focusing and worrying about data usage, Safaricom subscribers can now enjoy whatever they are surfing online without fearing for their airtime.

The world is no longer a global dream village but a reality thanks to the internet. It is now possible to strengthen social bonds and broaden economic territories. However, high internet charges remain a challenge in Kenya. The costs of browsing on airtime are even more pronounced. Interestingly, you can now avoid losing your credit online by taking advantage of Safaricom’s recently unveiled Out of Bundle service.

1.Out of Bundle Management service

It is costly to stay online all day long without taking an initiative to control your credit. We can all attest to that terrible feeling of losing credit when, indeed, you have been surfing on depleted bundles. Several subscribers have been escalating their complaints on lost airtime without receiving any responsive action for a long time. Luckily Safaricom data settings have made it possible for users to take control of their browsing experience. The invention of Out of Bundle Management has made it possible for subscribers to shield their airtime from 4G speeds, which slice airtime in minutes.

2.What is the Out Of Bundle Management?

Wondering how to stop data from using airtime Safaricom? Out Of Bundle Management is an innovative service that is highly beneficial, making sure that users are not billed from their airtime when browsing. It makes sure that internet charges are exclusively deducted from available bundles. The service has made it possible to stop data from using airtime without the consent of subscribers.

3.How do I access the Out Of Bundle Management Service?

Safaricom users can now easily access out of bundle service by dialing *544# and selecting “Out Of Bundle Management.” from the menu.

4.How do I activate the Out Of Bundle Management Service?

After accessing the service, proceed by selecting “Activate,” Safaricom will send you a confirmation message for a successful activation.

5. What happens when I activate the Out Of Bundle Management service?

Once you restrict Safaricom from using airtime for surfing, Safaricom will send you data management prompts before and after your data runs low or out.

The Out of Bundle service will alert you when your data is almost running out. Once depleted, the service will prompt you to; Buy a data bundle – If you select this option, you will be prompted to buy a bundle from airtime. Okoa data bundles – Here, you can Okoa the data bundle you want and pay later on as long as you are subscribed to the service. Redeem Bonga points for data bundles.

6. Will I still receive the low bundle when I am about to exhaust my bundle?

Safaricom users will still receive data usage notifications when they are at 2MBS even after activating out of bundle service. Subscribers can easily relate to the message; “Dear customer, your data bundle is almost finished. Dial *544# to check your data bundle balance.”

6. How do I deactivate the Out Of Bundle Management Service?

The good thing about this data management service is that subscribers can opt out at any given time. Start by dialling *544# Choose “Out Of Bundle” Select “Deactivate” Take note that deactivating the service will have your internet bill charged from your airtime once your bundles are depleted.

Out of Bundle service is one of these innovations that have revolutionized the browsing experience. Mastering how to stop Safaricom from using airtime when bundles are over is now the only way of maintaining your internet bill at its lowest possible.

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