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5 Top B2B Digital Marketing Strategies for Business Recovery

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The pandemic presented an interesting scenario where some businesses grew by leaps and bounds while others struggled with diminishing revenues.

Did your business meet its revenue targets in 2020? 

If your answer is no, then this article is for you. 

As we emerge from the pandemic, companies are looking for ways to replace lost business. They are revising tactics to capture the leads and sales that didn’t materialize.

Is demand still there?

It is, albeit latent. 

The good news is that you can revive interest and nurture your way into prospects’ businesses again. Let’s look at five top B2B digital marketing strategies for business recovery.

  1. Rediscover Your Customer

Covid-19 brought a shift to B2B consumer behavior. If purchases were scrutinized before the pandemic, the bar was raised even higher afterward.

The question on the buyer’s mind is, “Is this purchase absolutely necessary? What’s in it for me?”

Change in consumer behavior looks different from one business to another but one thing is clear, it has evolved.

What worked previously may not produce meaningful results now. 

If you want to stay in the game, you’ll need to rediscover your customer.


Recreate Buyer Personas

Customers who didn’t need your services previously might look for you right now and vice versa.

It’s highly likely that the assumptions you had developed about your buyers are no longer valid.

This is a good time to research the pandemic’s effect on their industry—positive or otherwise, emerging opportunities, pain points, and concerns.

Review Your Present Offerings

Critically analyze how your solutions can help address new customer concerns. How relevant are your offerings? Do they help customers achieve their goals?

You may need to change certain aspects of your offerings in line with your discovery.  

Determine the Impact of Virtual Buying on Your Customer

With face-to-face restrictions, B2B buyers became savvy at self-educating. 

They look up information about things that interest them rather than talking to a sales rep.

Knowing the extent virtual buying has on your prospects can help you create suitable content for the buyer’s journey. 

2. Focus on Customer Retention

Along with the lockdown came the “Nomadic customers.” 

These are B2B buyers who research and migrate from one B2B seller to another looking for the “best deal.” 

While it created opportunities for growth, it also made customer retention a headache. 

Seeing as existing customers are paramount to recurring revenue, focussing on retaining your clients is a primary business recovery strategy.

Here are retention strategies to consider:

3. Advertise

Advertising plays an important role in promoting your solutions, increasing brand visibility, and driving content download.

It also sets you up as an industry expert and provides opportunities for lead generation.

There are many advertising avenues B2Bs can use, ranging from free options to paid advertisements. 

The main differentiator is that paid advertisements have higher chances of generating quality leads, which ultimately results in sales. 

Below are different ways to get your brand and offerings in front of your audience:

4. Cold Call

Contrary to what most salespeople think, cold calling is an effective tactic for setting your company on its way to recovery.


Because B2Bs are always open to hearing about products/services that promote efficiency and help them achieve their goals. 

They will listen so long as you can prove value measurably.

Do it right and your business will have qualified leads that can be nurtured and converted to paying customers.

Best cold calling tips include:

5. Analyze Data

Analyzing data correctly allows marketers to know if their digital marketing techniques are working.

It’s crucial for pointing out weaknesses in strategies so you can know where to improve.

Here are metrics that every marketing team should analyze:

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