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Netflix Space Audio is currently accessible on iPhone and iPad

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Selected to only  AirPods Pro and AirPods Max, the spatial audio element permits you to completely submerge yourself in the music you pay attention to or the videos you watch. So it’s just regular that Netflix Supports it even if it took the time to do so. This feature was first spotted on Reddit by users, the brand subsequently affirmed spatial sound on Netflix at the site 9to5Mac.

Concretely, you don’t have to do anything to enjoy spatialized sound on the iOS version of Netflix. In any case, not if you have compatible headphones.

If the iPhone or iPad detects an app that supports spatial audio, it will automatically activate the option. Note that a pass through the control panel, and a long press on the volume bar, will allow you to disable it if you are not convinced.

Scheduled for next fall, iOS 15 should, in any case, expand support for applications that are compatible with this feature. Apple’s next mobile operating system will indeed be able to “convert” a stereo audio source into a multichannel source to simulate a spatialized rendering.

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