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Whatsapp for IOS

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WhatsApp began testing the ability to listen to voice messages while in another chat about a month ago.  The company is making an improved version of this feature available to all users.

The app’s version 22.4.75 allows users to listen to voice messages and audio files outside of chats. You can start listening to an audio message and then switch to another chat, reply to a friend, or even send a bunch of stickers to the family group with that.

This feature arrives just a few weeks after WhatsApp announced some important functions. One of these features is the ability to pause and resume recording a voice message. Furthermore, users can listen to the message before sending it, which is a significant improvement for the app.

Version 22.2.75 also included a new tweak as a result of iOS 15. When a user receives a WhatsApp notification, the app now displays the profile photo of the person who sent them a message on the iPhone’s Lock Screen, similar to how Twitter and Slack do.

Last but not least, this latest version added proper Focus mode support, which means that selected users can still message you even if you have set a Focus mode.

If you want to try out all of these features, make sure to download the most recent version of WhatsApp from the App Store. Don’t worry if some of these features aren’t available yet; WhatsApp is gradually rolling them out to all users.

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