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Students Who Cheat On Online Exams Are Caught Using Fake Answer Sites

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Students who cheat on online exams are caught using fake answers.

When a student visits one of these “honeypot” sites during an online test, the site automatically feeds data back to the student’s remote testing program, according to The Markup. The data reveals that the student is attempting to cheat on the site. According to the website, they are now working on over 300 educational institutions around the United States. This is not to mean that it’ll come to Kenya or go worldwide very soon but you can never be too sure given the way life moves fast.

Honorlock, they claim, hooks into students’ webcams during tests at its core. It then employs artificial intelligence to notify distant human monitors of any suspicious activities. This means they can detect when a student takes their phone out during a test.

The Director of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Environmental Law and Policy, Dr Collins Odote, recently stated that they use Google platforms to give tests first. Students are invited to Google Classrooms so that they can view all of them. They supervise or invigilate the procedure using Google Meet in their case.

They may be able to reduce online exam cheating with the advent of these honey pot sites, so stay away from cheating.

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