Power Learn Project chooses 1000 students from across Africa to join its first cohort of 1 million developer program

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Power Learn Project, a Pan African impact organization, just announced the 1000 learners participating in the first cohort of its flagship program – “One Million Developers for Africa” Scholarship Program (#1MillionDevs4Africa) to train 1 million young people and empower them with tech employability skills.

The cohort was selected after a rigorous vetting and panel selection process preceded by a recent countrywide rollout.

Power Learn’s One million developers for Africa program is a comprehensive approach to supporting youths by providing them with accessible world-class tech education to grow their tech skills and set them apart. This allows them to become more adaptable and ready for changes in the future.

“We are very proud to bring on this incredible first cohort of learners into our 1 million developers for Africa Program,” Mumbi Ndungu, Chief, Growth $ Operations Manager, Power Learn Project said in a statement. “When you educate one person you can change a life, when you educate many you can change the world. Technology provides learners with easy to access information, accelerated learning, and fun opportunities to practice what they learn. It enables learners to explore new technologies and deepen their understanding of difficult concepts, particularly in tech. Through the use of technology inside and outside the learning environment, students can gain 21st century technical skills necessary for future occupations.”

“The pandemic catalyzed an already-accelerating rate of digital transformation, where the old ways of doing things changed irreversibly. The demand for digital skills was likewise impacted, as companies shifted from physical headquarters to embracing a digital HQ mentality. While this trend had been gaining momentum for decades across all industries, today’s acceleration is unprecedented. Now, digital adoption and the respective digital skills needed to embrace the transformation are critical to landing more secure, in-demand tech careers.” Further stated Ndung’u.

This cohort of 1000 learners joins an exciting community of learners with access to life changing opportunities. The learners will have access to a wide network of mentors, learn from expert Power Learn Project instructors across the sector, receive unique access to support from teaching assistants, and get opportunities ranging from internships and proof of work opportunities.

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