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Apple iPhones to Have a USB-C Port

Apple iPhone

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Apple has confirmed that iPhones will now retail with a USB-C. The iPhone 14 series will be the last with a lightning port. Apple marketing lead Greg Joswiak said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, that the company will adopt the USB-C although his team is not happy with it.

He added that the move to USB-C would create a lot of e-waste as users will be forced to purchase new cables and discard the old ones, even though it solved the issue of standardization.

Apple’s software VP Craig Federighi spoke about the company’s way of making its devices while trusting its engineers rather than complying with laws implemented by lawmakers regarding using third-party hardware.

The release of USB-C iPhones is yet to be announced as the two Apple executives said “the Europeans are the ones dictating timing for European customers”

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