Home Insurance How M-TIBA leverages technology to democratise healthcare in Kenya

How M-TIBA leverages technology to democratise healthcare in Kenya

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M-TIBA ,the leading health financing technology platform for consumers, insurers, healthcare providers and governments.
For over 7 years, M-TIBA has leveraged innovation and mobile technology to enable accurate, transparent, and predictable information flow across the healthcare value chain, which has improved efficiencies and brought down the cost of care.

According to the company, reshaping healthcare means creating opportunities for healthcare providers to expand their businesses and for individuals and groups to easily access quality and affordable healthcare services. For example, Cash Advance, a service for Healthcare Providers(hospitals)  by M-TIBA in partnership with the Medical Credit Fund (MCF)  to provide unsecured loans of up to Kes. 40 million shillings as working capital to private facilities, to help bridge the financial access gap they face.

At M-TIBA, leveraging technology to streamline processes in healthcare access means being able to track expenditure, manage claims and other processes effectively allowing healthcare providers to focus on their core function, which is offering better care to their patients.

For insurers and healthcare providers, digitizing the whole claim process goes a long way in reducing fraud, lowering administration costs, enhancing efficiency and ensuring payments are done on time, which brings down the cost of insurance administration, which is usually the core reason insurance has been significantly costly for many Kenyans to afford.

By helping individuals manage their health plans by enabling them to decide on an insurance plan that is favorable to them, manage expenditure and track it (supporting accessibility in health is also part of the solutions the company provides to empower individuals to access care conveniently, by leveraging the power of technology.

Through digitizing all end-to-end systems in the healthcare value chain, the company ensures that individuals, healthcare providers and insurers are able to interact quite easily, which has significantly translated into a much lower cost of accessing care for thousands of Kenyans every day.

For the company, it is not just about innovation and tech but also about creating impact, it’s about leveraging technology to democratise healthcare across the region, and to empower millions to access quality and affordable care whenever they need to, right where they are,  and we are quite enthusiastic to be building the future for healthcare.

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