How to Improve Internet Explorer Security

Samsung Internet Broser
Samsung Internet Broser
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If you are still using IE and have not switched to a more advanced browser, you will be glad to know that there are ways to increase security using the dated Microsoft product. The functionality will make web browsing a little bit safer, however, it still needs improvement in many areas. Enhanced Protected Mode is the name of the feature. 

Enabling the mode

The function has existed since Windows 8’s inception. When in this mode, Internet Explorer typically builds so-called AppContainers, secure environments secure environments in which to run websites. If the web content contains any dangerous components, the container “contains” it and stops it from harming your computer. Although highly useful, the feature is incompatible with Windows 7.

You must access Internet Explorer’s settings page and turn on the mode under the Advanced/Security menu to use the mode. Please be aware that it could not function properly with additional programs and add-ons that could affect the mode. You also need to enable the 64-bit version of the mode. 

Expect some issues with your favorite apps and extensions that you’ve grown to love because the mode will disable some add-ons that violate security guidelines. 

Disable add-ons

The majority of add-ons are safe and occasionally even beneficial. But there’s a good chance that a malicious add-on will pose a serious risk to your cybersecurity. Unfortunately, even Adobe Flash, which is installed on millions of computers worldwide, is a plug-in subject to assaults and vulnerabilities. By using the browser’s “no extensions” mode, you can disable all add-ons and some plug-ins. 

Press WINDOWS + R and type exactly “explore -extoff” into the command line to launch the mode. 

Go to the “Manage Add-ons” area of the main menu to view the list of available plug-ins and extensions if you want to keep your add-ons organized and managed. When necessary, you can turn them on and off. 

installing anti-exploit software

A tool called anti-exploit will shield your browser’s extensions from online threats in real-time. Internet Explorer has several vulnerabilities, although Chrome and Firefox are marginally less vulnerable. Consider investing in a browser protection program if you don’t want to upgrade.

consistently update the browser

Whenever you launch a browser, check for updates. Users of earlier Microsoft systems must manually check for updates while Windows 10 updates themselves. Keep Internet Explorer updated because it is still one of the browsers that is most frequently targeted.

Lastly, just stop using this ancient piece of software and upgrade to more advanced browsers. In terms of security, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and even Edge are significantly superior.

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