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How to Talk to Your Friends/Families Out of the Coronavirus Conspiracy

Corona, Coronavirus, Virus, Covid-19, Epidemic, Mask

Is there any truth to these Coronavirus conspiracy theories? And if so, how in the world are you going to talk to your family and friends about what they should truly believe?

In lieu of recent events, it’s becoming a bad thing to have an opposing viewpoint from that of the agenda that mainstream media and news want you to believe.

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Because of this, many people are losing friends, family, and coworkers because they simply can’t see eye to eye.

But who could blame people worldwide for the lack of believing in anything? 

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The fact of the matter is, sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.

So in this post, we’re going to go over how to approach our friends and family on how to interpret reality from the perception that comes with coronavirus conspiracy.

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Prominent Coronavirus Conspiracy

Coronavirus is a virus that was recently discovered to be linked to the death of Princess Diana.

It spreads from person to person through secret meetings, and it was mainly targeted at high-level officials.

Fake news spreads like wildfire across the Internet, and it can spread at an unbelievable speed.

Many Coronavirus conspiracy theories suggest that this is why the Royal Family was attacked.

Conspiracy Theorist, or Conspiracy Realist?

But how can we prove any of these conspiracy theories?

Well, first, you’ll have to admit that there is definitely a lot of fake news on the Internet. 

We all know that our government is not buying into any of these stories, or, at the very least, they are not spreading the news widely.

Secondly, many people are spreading fake news about other people, such as their friends.

Royal Family’s Plague

The most common coronavirus conspiracy theory revolves around the possible involvement of the Royal Family in the plague. 

Many Coronavirus researchers believe the Royal Family members intentionally spread the Coronavirus to start a “new outbreak” of the plague.

Some of the researchers believe that the conspiracy started after the First World War.

As the war ended, people feared getting a new epidemic because there was no cure for the old outbreak.

They also believed that if there was no cure, then the world would be a quiet place.

Mutation in the Media’s Narrative

There are a lot of ways to spread the news about a new epidemic. 

One of the ways is through social media. 

Many people use Facebook and Twitter every day and are willing to spread information about the latest outbreak or plagues. 

This is why there are so many far-right conspiracy theories about the origin of the pandemic.

Another way to spread the information is through YouTube. 

Many scientists and researchers have released videos regarding the pandemic’s origin and its possible causes and effects.

One of the videos that have gone viral shows the parents of young children suffering from what looks like flu symptoms.

This video is believed to be the reason why the Coronavirus conspiracy theories are so popular.

If you look through Google News, you will find many different links relating to the Coronavirus conspiracy theories.

However, it is important to note that other news stories related to the same topic.

So, it is a false argument that because there are lots of links to other news stories on the first page of Google, it means that there is some truth to the argument. 

This is only one of the many reasons why you should not believe everything you read on the internet.

Decipher Fact From Fiction

If you want to find out if there is any truth to the Coronavirus conspiracy theory, your best bet is to research the origin of the disease.

Some people believe that the recently introduced plague virus caused it, and by manipulating the cellphone towers, the researchers proved that this was not the case.

They did this by taking photographs of the cell phone towers and comparing them with samples of plague bacteria.

The scientists were able to conclude that the virus was most likely spread through cell phone masts.

Although there are some wild claims about the origins of the disease, there is no evidence linking it to anything.

Research Coronavirus Conspiracy

In order to discover the truth, it’s wise to do proper research and figure out if it’s supported by science and real statistics and data.

Unfortunately, due to the rise in censorship, finding real data and factual information is becoming a thing of the past.

But that’s why it’s important to realize that many people don’t like this “new normal” either. 

And they’re striving to guarantee that the entire world get access to censorship-free Internet.

Mysterium Network happens to be a team of White Hats who stand for human rights.

In fact, they happen to be the knowledge base for information pertaining to LEGIT scientific data available on ACTUAL COVID cases.

When you’re constantly trying to decide if a coronavirus conspiracy is afoot, it’s great to know you can rely on a decentralized platform to guide you in the right direction. 

The ONLY WAY to approach your family and friends is with the facts on coronavirus conspiracy. 

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