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How To Know If Your Car Needs New Brakes

The last place one wants is to have his car brakes fail when on the way home. We get it that everyone is not as car enthusiast as some others are, but you should never undermine your safety at any cost.

Brakes are one of the most important parts of a vehicle. Although, the car brakes can last up to 60,000 miles for some owners, whilst a mere 20,000 miles for others. All that matters is your driving style, the road you’re driving on, and, of course, the quality of brakes itself. Telling exactly when to have your car brakes changed can be a tough task. Here’s a list of signs that can help you know when you need to change them. 

  1. ABS Light is On

A clear sign that your brakes need a change is when your Anti-Lock Braking System light comes on. The ABS light on your dashboard or instrument cluster gauge turns on if something is wrong with your braking system. Though some of the older vehicles don’t have an ABS light, the newer ones are equipped with this indicator to keep you aware if there is something wrong with your braking system.

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  1. High Pitched Screeching

One of the most obvious ways to know that your car brakes have worn out, and it is time to replace them, is using your ears. There is a strong probability that you have heard this sound earlier. While applying the brakes of your car, there is a clear audible squeak that sounds like scratching the metal. This sound isn’t coming from your brake rotors or any other part of your braking system. This squeaky sound is of a small steel shim that gives you a caution signal to change the brakes and is specially designed for this particular function.

Though the above-mentioned screechy sound is a clear sign that your brakes need a replacement, there may be an exemption. If your vehicle is parked outside in wet or very humid conditions, your brake rotors might catch rust. This will not affect the efficacy of your brakes straight away, but it produces a similar sound when you drive. This skinny rust layer tends to wear off after some miles of driving and constant braking. But if the sound stays, there’s a strong probability of that steel shim causing the squeak, and you should visit the Range Rover Workshop in Dubai to get the brakes replaced before they contribute to an on-road accident.

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  1. Less Responsive Brakes

If you notice that your brakes are sluggish to respond or the brake pedal feels too much easy on foot and takes little effort to push, there may be a problem with your braking system. It can be the brake fluid leaking or excess air buildup inside your air brake line causing the problem. Brake fluid seems much like motor oil but has a thin viscosity. You can check the leakage by simply moving your vehicle and inspect the ground afterward where the car was parked.

  1. Worn-Out Brake Pads

Another way to check if the brakes need a change is, deteriorated brake pads. Check the spokes of your wheel to see how much brake pad is left. To find your brake pad, look for it on either side of your shiny metal brake rotor. Your pad should be at least a quarter-inch thick, but you can’t know for sure without removing the tire. Your pads may need to be checked out or replaced if the insides are thinner than that.

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The thing to keep in mind is that brake screeching or other high-pitched noises aren’t always indicative of the need for new brake pads. For example, excessive braking heats up and burns your brake rotors. A dark circle or blue marks on the brake discs indicate that they need to be replaced. If you’re going to be braking frequently at high speeds, don’t do it. Not only will it damage your brake rotors, but you’ll also risk your life as well as damaging your car.

  1. Brake Grinding Worsens

If you’ve missed the squeaky sound made by the steel shim, you’ll soon get across an even worse sound. As bad as it gets, it’s one of the worst things a car can do. Very different from the squeaky sound caused by the indicator shim. Whenever you hear a grinding noise coming from your vehicle brakes, it means that the brake pads are completely worn out and cannot be replaced. It’s due to the metal brake disc and the metal caliper rubbing against each other. If this happens, your rotors will deteriorate in no time, and you’ll have to get them replaced to keep yourself safe on the road.

  1. Brake Vibration

Deterioration of the brake pedal may cause the vehicle’s brake discs to vibrate, indicating that the rotors have warped. In many cases, this vibration is described as pulsing, and it can feel similar to a sudden stop when the anti-lock brake system engages. Intense braking conditions that cause excessive friction on the brake system can cause warped rotors, such as long mountain declines or when towing heavy objects. When driving under these conditions, stopping now and then will give your brakes a chance to cool off and prevent warping.

  1. Car Pulls To A Side

The brake pads on your car will not always wear out at the same rate. It’s not uncommon for those on one side to lose weight faster than those on the other. A slight jerk to the left or right may occur if this occurs. The steering rack, as well as the ball joints, knuckles, and wheel bearings, will suffer if you ignore the problem. Don’t take any chances: Get your car checked by the experts at Range Rover Workshop in Dubai.

Brake pads may not cause this problem. As well as uneven tire pressure, a faulty wheel bearing, and broken brake calipers, it can also result from other issues. As a result, if unevenly worn brake pads are the cause, two new sets should be installed in one session

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