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Uber partners with Espartanos Africa to offer UberChapChap rides to volunteers

  Uber is proud to announce its partnership with a non-profit organization, Espartanos Africa, to provide free UberChapChap rides to their volunteers for a year.

 Espartanos Africa seeks to reduce crime and recidivism in Africa by successfully reintegrating former inmates into society. Creating better communities is important for everyone, however, transport shouldn’t be a barrier to making this possible. Through this partnership, Uber can ensure volunteers can easily move around and continue to do what is important, which is assisting people back into society.

“Uplifting and empowering communities is one of our key priorities. We all have a responsibility to ensure that we contribute to bettering the lives of individuals in our community despite their background and history. As a business, we are committed to creating a positive and empowered society for all, and ensuring transport is not a barrier to achieving this, says Frans Hiemstra, Uber General Manager, SSA ”

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 “With this new partnership, we are not only offering the program volunteers a safe, quick and convenient transport solution, but we are also taking a step to help resolve the community’s challenges by playing our part in creating a safer environment for all,” adds Hiemstra.

 Espartanos has achieved a few milestones during the year, such as successfully launching at Kamiti Security Prison in March then proceeding with the introduction of Corporate Social Responsibility service by national, local and international rugby teams.

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 “The partnership with Uber ensures that our volunteers who offer skills, knowledge, education and mentorship can travel with peace of mind,” says Zaynah Khanbai, President and Director of New Citizen Education. Through this partnership, we have the opportunity to grow the program and touch many other lives.’’

 Uber is an operating system that connects Kenyans to places, people, food and moments that matter to them. As we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic it is important that communities unite and work together to explore potential and uplift the lives of those in need.

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 Espartanos Africa reintegrates people from prison by firstly instilling the values and ethics of rugby as a way of life, then focusing on key themes such as spirituality, selfdevelopment and work ethic to learn more about The New Citizen Education. This element of the program involves improving self-awareness and preparing for gainful employment and volunteering. Lastly, the Espartanos Africa program also focuses on the reintegration pillar that includes mentorship, employment, community and volunteering.

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Milcah Lukhanyu
Milcah Lukhanyu
I cover tech news across Africa. Drop me an email at [email protected]

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