The project dubbed, Rwandapedia is aimed to collect information about the country and put it online in a format similar to Wikipedia.
A report by Rwanda Focus shows that the project which was primarily aimed to put up government records, is now being populated by other sectors.
The site allows users to contribute to topics and even upload images on the site. This is the same format embraced by Wikipedia.
The project was initiated by the Office of the Government Spokesperson and funded by the African Development Bank.
“It is Rwandan developed, owned, and managed. In the past, information would come from non-Rwandans. Along with putting our traditions on display, Rwandapedia allows us to tell our own story, our own way, as fully and honestly as we can,” Foreign Minister and Government Spokesperson, Louis Mushikiwabo said.
“With technology, we have the opportunity to do this online, through the audio and video files,” Joel Ndoli Pierre, Rwandapedia Project Lead said.