Samsung TV Becomes Better With A New Smarter Interface

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Samsung recently introduced the largest ultra-high definition TV, at 106”, a new F8000 flagship set and a new interface. This replaces the conventional ‘electronic programme guide’, or channel list, with five screens that make internet connectivity central to the idea of television and will be the first thing users see when they turn on their Samsung TV.
Users will not need to dig through the hundreds of channels and that personalized TV recommendation even analyzes how viewing habits change throughout the day.
The new Smart Hub ‘On TV’, will include programs playing  as well as personalized suggestions for each viewer; separate home screens, which users will swipe to with either gesture or remote control, will then cover on-demand movies and TV, photos, video and music from users’ own collections and then also social features and Smart TV apps.
Other new features announced included the use of more natural language to control TV. In a demonstration, a user asked his TV, “Anything good on today?” Other options included asking “Is there Premiere League on today?” Options could be chosen by saying , for instance, “Select the first one”.
Samsung beat its counterparts in the market because of its wider range of content availability, including a focus on regional and ethnic film and TV, as well as its more closely connected products. It also demonstrated, for instance, a connected refrigerator that can download apps and connect to a smart phone.

The company also introduced five intuitive panels help consumers manage and navigate different types of content, which are displayed as thumbnail images for the first time so it’s even easier to select and watch the content on the big screen. With a light hand gesture (flipping), you can discover five totally different experiences in Smart Hub, as if you have five new TV sets.”

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