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Tunisia’s Wants To Help The Youth To Build Careers

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A new web platform which was launched last month is set to make the Tunisian youth have a smooth and ride selecting the career path they want to take.

Wajjahni (Arabic for “Guide me”) is a website introduced in cooperation with the Centre des Jeunes Dirigents (CJD), the Ministry of Vocational Training and Employment, and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to enable young Tunisians to enhance their employability.

This web platform will help the young stars know what is trending on the market. This will give an advice to which degree one should pursue and also act as an eye opener for job seekers as it has an option of 620 jobs.

Each posted job is accompanied by a video message from a Tunisian who has chosen that career path.

The platform was launched by Amira Mimouni, a professor who conducted a study on the state of employment and employability in Tunisia in 2011.

“When I was a professor at IHEC Carthage, I was struck by the lack of support for our youth. I conducted a survey of 1,000 students, and the findings were very scary. They didn’t know anything about the different institutions available, the different jobs they could have, the fiscal advantages, how to write a CV, how to behave in a job interview,” said Mimouni .

The professor also said that the videos are easy to run and efficient as it tells the tale of a person right from the educational background, to the struggle to find a job, to finding passion.

“We are simply playing the role of the media. We collect reliable data, work on it, and present it to our audience,” Mimouni said. “We aim to educate by demonstrating, by inspiring people, by explaining to them it is possible and doable [to pursue an effective and favorable career path].”

Amira added that they have received a lot of help from CJD given that they have good mastery in the job market of today in Tunisia and also the many ministries which have offered to post in the website.

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