Nigerian broadband internet and data services provider Swift Networks said that they will be conducting Long Term Evolution (LTE) network tests with over 500 volunteers who will be putting the new network through its paces in preparation for its launch in Lagos.
“This will be Nigeria’s fastest and most reliable 4G LTE network; we will not rush this launch and will take every care to ensure that we get it right the first time. Getting the most aggressive users from our current customer base to test-drive it will enable us to debug and fine-tune it to meet the exerting demands of our target customer base”, said Chukwuma Okoye, the Chief Operating Officer at Swift.
“These volunteers, who have been on our network for at least three years, will give us feedback on the several performance metrics we are tracking including download and upload speeds, network latency and uptime. They will also ghost call the Call Centre as part of the predetermined performance indicators that are important to our market segment. These customers have been with us through our Pre-WiMAX and current 4G networks and bring along their treasured comparative memory of our services”, he said.
The network company saw the potential and the growing demand for high-speed internet, and according to Philip Sonibare, Assistant General Manager within Consumer Sales and Marketing at Swift Networks, they will continue to provide that to as many customers as possible.
“We continue to see the demand for true broadband internet skyrocket in Nigeria and our 4G LTE network rollout starting from Lagos responds to what customers want from their broadband internet experience – faster and more reliable services backed by 24×7 customer care,” he said.
According to Nigeria’s Vanguard, “Wireless spectrum is a finite resource and LTE uses it more efficiently than other technologies, creating more space to carry data traffic and services and to deliver a better network experience. It delivers at least 10 times faster download speed than 3G and 4 times that of WIMAX 4G networks.”