Daily Nation’s Opportunism Fails Kenyans On Westgate Mall Siege

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20130922_095620-1Nation Media Group’s Daily Nation, claiming to be the country’s leading daily today unethically splashed a full-page image of Westgate Mall’s terror victim causing more pains to families of victims of the siege.

The daily, in a move to capitalize on the unfortunate terror, and up its weekend sales used an image of a wounded victim, soaked in blood and in agony and probably with gunshot wounds, shocking Kenyans what intention the Aga Khan owned daily had.

Nairobi’s Westgate Mall has been under siege since Saturday noon after armed terrorists took over the normally peaceful and most secure mall. So far 39 have been confirmed dead and over 160 injured.

Kenyan police and humanitarian services and hospitals have joined arms to rescue as many as they can.

Daily Nation, being Kenya’s number one daily as it claims would have been at the forefront of observing media ethics and not exposing innocent victims lives as it has done today. It doesn’t require a degree in journalism for one to know that but just a heart. Recently, another top Kenyan journalist went to twitter to reveal the identity of an ICC witness and late claimed his account was hacked.

The attack is the worst since Al Qaeda linked terrorist bombings in 1998.

Here are some of the sentiments on Twitter by the daily’s customers.

Joan Maina@JuanaMaina 17m

  1. come on now @dailynation your cover page picture today????? thought about the family and friends of the individual??? ethics in journalism

  2. 100% unacceptable. Totally, absolutely unacceptable @dailynation

  3. Just seen the @dailynation front page. WHAT THE HELL, NATION??

  4. Dear @dailynation, that’s someone’s mother/sister/friend/wife you have on your front-page. It could have been yours @lgtwits.

  5. Dear Daily Nation for your front page; you get a #journalismfail – the victims, their families and humanity need dignity and respect! #basic

  6. Daily Nation doesn’t care about its target audience. Kids will be traumatized by this!. #BoycottDailyNation ==> pic.twitter.com/My8rYO4DTW

  7. On a Saturday morning like that, there must have been at least 800 people in #Westgate mall @dailynation

  8. Daily Nation‘s cover page is just insensitive. Hata kama ni profits mnatafuta, u should atleast have a human face! #BoycottDailyNation

  9. ION #DailyNation editors are just shit.. you cant put up such a front page just for sales.. fuck off…

  10. Shukran! @ValentineZiki A complaint against @dailynation has to officially be filed with @mediacouncilk . Looking into procedure

  11. Not surprised by @dailynation. After our accident, a former VP was to visit, when we requested his team to leave out press, he didn’t show.

  12. Daily Nation’s front page raises troubling questions about it’s leadership

  13. @dennisokeyo @dailynation #westgateattack I wonder if u would say the same, if that was ur family member on the front page #westgateattack

  14. @dennisokeyo @dailynation #westgateattack I’m not, but its not over. How would u feel if ur mother or sister was still inside & u see that??

  15. Man! Corporations suck. @dailynation doesn’t care about saving lives, just selling more. They know horror sells better than hope

  16. I stopped my sister from taking bloody pictures after our accident. Does Daily Nation care that victims may not even want to see such??

  17. @linuskaikai @dailynation whole new low your cover photo reached today.

  18. @KKombani: Instead of buying today’s @dailynation, let’s spend the money on snacks for the @KenyaRedCross teams. They give us hope.” ✔✔✔

  19. That Daily Nation photo reminds me of the Larry Madowo tweet begging for pictures of victims. Sinking to a new low

  20. Ur bio says u are proudly Kenyan, u hv totally failed an entire country with your pride. @LGtwits @dailynation you need to recall tht print

  21. Even with hostages still in Westgate @dailynation only thinks about $$ . Cc @lgtwits @MachariaGaitho #photofail

  22. That is so sad. Its like they are not human at all. And the loser award goes to the Editors and Linus Gitahi @WandiriK @dailynation

  23. Morning Ma, the Daily Nation has been very irresponsible on their reporting. How to go about recalling the N/paper @MarthaKarua @IGkimaiyo

  24. You effortlessly discouraged a whole nation with ur print, for a mere 60bob. If u care recall the newspaper @dailynation #BoyCottDailyNation


  25. Havent seen it.. what is it saying? “@DeejayCeleb: Daily nation front page….Sad 🙁 what happened to being sensitive?”


  26. @JayFreaKay: Imagine the family of that poor lady. @dailynation or maybe you’re too busy trying to make money to forget your humanity.”


  27. With such a pictorial headline you break our spirits. SHAME “@dailynation: Attackers will never break Kenyan spirit http://bit.ly/16xSRYr 


  28. One great disaster as well is the Daily Nation pictorial headline. It just makes the terrorists feel accomplished. @NDOCKenya


  29. What is wrong with some news editors? The @dailynation cover page is absolutely insensitive!!! Come on guys! Heartless.


  30. @Wyndago @dailynation prolly on their website too, not sure though

  31. And that @dailynation cover pic… The editor is such a dimwit….


  32. @DaktaHayze Go to @dailynation online. #Westgate

For queries on families call Police HQs 0202724154, 020310225, 0203226771, 0203556780, 0203532198

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