Communications Provider BICS Opens Offices in Kenya, Ghana and South Africa

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BICSBICS has stamped its intentions to enter the African market by opening offices in three African markets underlying the growth of technology in these countries.

Kenya, Ghana and South Africa will be the new hosts of BICS as it seeks to give its communication solutions to the three growing markets in Africa.

The company has however been providing its solutions to the continent and now wants to tap into the potential of communication needs across Africa. The company provides communication solutions including carrier for voice, mobile data and capacity services

“Our company is expanding and we have a number of key customers in Africa. Dedicated teams in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa will enable us to be even closer to our clients and partners across the region,” said Clémentine Fournier, Regional Vice President Africa, BICS.

Africa is one of the fastest growing telecom markets in the world characterised by a strong uptake of voice, messaging and mobile payment services and an increasing use of data services thanks to increased smartphone adoption. We are excited to be part of this growth,” he added.

Clémentine Fournier added: “Over recent years, we have seen strong growth in the region, with over 100 mobile operators inAfrica now using our network for their connectivity needs. This market growth is due to the fact that we have evolved with our customers, developing innovative solutions optimised to meet their requirements and enabling them to increase their voice and roaming revenues.”

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