Rocket Internet’s Oliver Samwer said this generation should know they are lucky because God gave them the internet. Samwer was speaking at the WHU Otto Beisheim School of Business at the annual IdeaLab! Founders’ Conference.
The event, organized by WHU students brought together founders & executives from around the world.
According to France’s startup blog, Samwer took to the stage and “discussed the low barrier to entry, as well as the fact that Millenials (age 18-30) are the generation that are most familiar with the Internet, because they have grown up with it.”
“Oliver spent little time talking about the well-known success of Rocket Internet, but instead spoke about where he thinks potential entrepreneurs are going for a ‘safe’ life. “I’ve never seen McKinsey on Forbes’ list,” Samwer announced to the auditorium packed with an invite-only group of students & entrepreneurs; Samwer criticized entrepreneurs who claim that they want to work for consulting companies like McKinsey or financial firms like JP Morgan in order to learn from them.
The blog also adds that Samwer drew parallels to Mel Gibson’s character in Braveheart, stating features of those who make it and those who fail. Read more from