Kenya Govt Services to be Accessed Via Sms

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sms-blueDennis Itumbi, the Director Digital, New Media & Diaspora, Executive Office of the President, yesterday told TechMoran that Presidential Strategic Digital Communication unit is set to unveil the online platform for reporting corruption incidences “in the next one week,” as earlier announced by the president.

Mr Itumbi told us at the sidelines of  the launch of the LG G2 Android powered smartphone in Nairobi.

Itumbi said the website is not just another website like iPaidabribe but will be platform to send information directly to the president by SMS, once the team flags it off.

“This site will take the good side of ipaidabribe, it will allow citizens to report corruption incidences directly to the president but it will be more than that. It will allow the team to flag off some messages to directly to the president. It wont allow hearsay. We have ensured no one wastes our time by reporting hearsay,” Itumbi said.

Itumbi also said the platform will help Kenyans access services from one centre, such as national identity cards, driving licenses and passports. “Government is about to transform how you access public service, there will be SMS and Android apps,” he added.

TechMoran recently asked how the portal will help in execution and reduction of corruption in the country after the announcement by the that he will set up a website where members of the public can report cases of corruption within the government.

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