Google Launches People Finder & A Crisis Map to Help Rescue Survivors of Typhoon Yolanda

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typhoon Google Asia has launched a person finder and a crisis map to help relatives of victims in the Typhoon Yolanda  help gather and relay information to rescuse survivors or track the scale of the devastation in the Philippines’ storm.
Typhoon Yolanda, the strongest cyclone in Philippines history has caused widespread destruction in the country, killing over 10,000 people and over 2000 missing to date.

The Google Person Finder, is a web application open for anyone to post or search for the status of relatives or friends affected by the disaster. A user clicks on “I’m Looking for Someone” and types in their name and those who have have information on soomeone click on “I have information about someone” and put in their names and details.

The platform aims at helping to connect those surviving back to their families and also help put up a search on those missing or feared dead. The Person Finder is also available via SMS and mobile. Users send an SMS to 2662999 (Globe subscribers), 4664999 (SMART subscribers), 22020999 (Sun subscribers), or +16508003977 with the message “Search” and then the persons name such as “Search Sam Wakoba” if the person you are looking for is Sam Wakoba.
The crisis map will help track the most hit areas and scale the devastation of the ugliest storm ever in Philippines.
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