CEO Weekends: Kenafric Industries Switches Into The High Gear SAP ERP Platform

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Kenafric Industries, manufacturers of confectionery, food, footwear and stationery products in Africa, has installed a comprehensive SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution to drive greater efficiencies.

“We looked at technology solutions that would not dilute, but complement our current tried and tested Lean & Process improvement methodologies, which involves all our employees. We also required a solution that would give us 360 degree visibility, interoperability and transparency across the value chain of our Confectionery, Food, Footwear and Stationery business verticals in and beyond Kenya’s borders,” said GopalanUppiliappan, Group General Manager – Business Improvement (BI) at Kenafric Industries.

S. Iyer, Managing Director at iMark Technologies cited that the overall implementation and transformation journey was broken into two phases; the SAP ERP implementation, including training of the Users in its functional modules and iMark Technologies rolled out its i360 and iPortalIntelligence and Collaboration self-service Portal framework.

Managing Director SAP East Africa, Andrew Waititu, said: “This implementation at Kenafric Industry is significant. Market perception in East Africa has always been that SAP is expensive to implement and maintain and only reserved for the big players but Kenafric and iMark Technologies have turned this paradigm on its head.”

Mr Mikul Shah – Executive Director of Kenafric Industries Limited pointed out: “With SAP ERP, we now have an end-to-end integrated solution for all our critical departments, giving Kenafric Industries one view of its business operations. The system has also enabled the automation of work-flow approvals through a single unified portal, thereby increasing human resource efficiency.”


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