CEO Weekends: Kenyan Sci-Fi TV Series Predicts What Will Happen To Africa In 2062

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Local cinemas and TV stations in Kenya may for the first time screen a Kenyan-based Sci-Fi TV series “Usoni”, that casts Africa as the world’s new oasis amidst a dark universe in 50 years to come, as soon after the United States International University (USIU) screens the series by end of November 2013.

“We are trying to push the boundaries in terms of production in Kenya also noting that Kenya has good quality productions,” explained Usoni Producer Denver Ochieng noting that the university-based production encourages youth to come up with innovative concepts in film production, away from the norm.

At a time when Africa receives 50,000 Greencard Lottery wins each year to migrate to the US alone, this new production series seeks to address ongoing immigration issues within the world. It is also expected to change the negative portrayal of Africa as a poverty stricken continent to that of an avenue for development, of which, would gradually discourage youth from seeking “greener pastures” abroad.

As the brain child of Dr. Marc Rigaudis, directed by Cherie Lindiwe from USIU, the new plot revolves around a young couple embarking on a treacherous journey to reach mankind’s last cradle of hope, Africa. However, the couple must beat the impossible odds, experience great sacrifice yet keep their faith before their goal can be achieved.

“Usoni is actually a series focusing on the travel of a couple from the natural disaster stricken Europe to now the now illustrious Africa in 2062. It is a story which focuses on the immigration hurdles of Africans to Europe and looks at how it would be if the reverse were to happen,” Ochieng said.

Thus far since October, the Usoni crew of 20 has generated an audience of over 600 curious fans checking out the official trailer posted on their Facebook page Usoni. The official trailer has generated at least 300 views on Youtube and on several gaming websites.

The plot will be ready for screening on 27th November 2013 at the USIU auditorium open to the students and public. Perhaps, the ambitious production, depending on the reception, would be the next newest TV series to be aired on local TV stations or even screened internationally.

To view the official trailer, visit

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