Kenya’s top entertainment news site Ghafla has announced it will delete all the *nude photos it has in its database and won’t publish any such photo again in a u-turn move that has shocked many.
Known for its serial gossip on Nairobi’s entertainment scene and controversial photos of Kenya’s ‘celebrities’ and ‘socialites’ many of whom send in nude photos to court the site’s massive population of over 9.5 unsuspecting million youths monthly, Sam Majani said it was time to send new trends.
In a u-turn change of heart, as if struck by lighting Majani told TechMoran, “Yes, we are pulling down all those photos. We are the major entertainment site in the country and other bloggers look at us. We shall not publish any nude photos or run negative stories as long as they are not clean.”
To several readers, Ghafla’s huge traffic is due to the funny images and the controversial stories they post. To Majani, the traffic comes to them because they understand what their audience wants. Majani said the said that in all their stories published this year, nude photos are less than ten. His change of mind also has some other influences.
The site was begining to lose advertising deals from resposible corporate clients who felt by advertising on his site they were helping him endorse porn or immorality, CocaCola, (coke is my lunch companion) was one of them. Majani decided to take his frustration to his Facebook wall.
He posted “We lost Coca Cola cause of some socialite. Never again. No need to compromise our biggest clients for that.”
Ghafla’s situation is now so tricky. They will have to turn away this photos from some crappy socialites in town, turn off some of their readers who ravaged the site for such photos and are risking, as a crappy guy might take over their throne by opening a plan B for the socialites. However, at the end of the day, sane clients will come calling Mista Majani again. At the moment, the temptation is strong, his spirit is willing though but we want him to turn to images of cats instead like we did here and here.
Ghafla, first began as a RapGenius for Kenya, but slowly turned into entertainment news to fill in the gap that there was. News became so popular that even today the lyrics are the less viewed as the readers online turn to photos and videos but with the new found sanity, and the tyranny of numbers, the site will still reign.