A sample from City Water Supply of the country’s capital was also found to have traces of benzene. However, city water supply tap water that was boiled and stored, was found not to contain traces of benzene. It was assumed that heating the Clorox bleach would have activated it first enough for it to destroy the dyes and benzene impurities, noted the study.
Also in the study, three mineral water samples out of the eleven bottles of water were also found to contain traces of benzene. Yet, mineral bottle water is a commercial source that has become common in the market, represented under several brand names by different manufacturers, noted the report. Interestingly, in contrast with the pictures and names of the labels glued onto the bottles, it was discovered that nearly all manufactures obtained their waters from an underground source.
But the two samples of water obtained from shallow wells were not found to contain traces of benzene. The shallow well water source was noted to have come from an underground level less than 30 metric meters, often privately owned, of which, individuals use ropes attached to a bucket, lowered manually as other sources use an electric pump installed and plastic piping connected to a water reservoir.
In all, the study concluded that the best solution for water treatment industries would be to stop using impure bleach as an addition to the drinking water thus eliminating traces of benzene. For the time being, families in homes are urged to boil then filter their water.
However, these findings have faced criticisms, some of which have led to court charges for fraud. But that has not stopped other electronics enthusiasts like Doerksen continue to improving Dr. Clark’s inventions while carrying out research.
Arthur Doerksen together with his wife Lyne are, the designers and manufacturers of the Sync-Rho-Meter among other gadgets. Arthur has spent years working to help people take control of their own health in addition to advocating for the consumption of clean water.
For details of the study and the modern equipment, they can be contacted on Tel: +1 888-257-4273, Fax 888-257-4273 or email CustomerService@toolsforhealing.com Shallowford, Chattanooga, Tenesee USA.