Tempo Smart Calendar Now In South Africa

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The Tempo Smart Calendar has been launched in South Africa; well it is not for every phone but only for the iPhone.

It looks like a calendar but works exactly like a personal assistant; this is how, the app applies the artificial intelligence to data analyzed from the calendar, email and contacts, in order understand what’s important and surfaces information and actions just like a personal assistant that knows what’s coming next.

This is what you can do with this App

  • Read news about a company you’re meeting with

  • Call, text or email anyone your calendar

  • Review relevant emails and documents for each meeting

  • Show your contacts at a company

  • Send “running late” messages

  • Browse attendee LinkedIn profiles

  • Dial into conference calls without the passcode hassle

  • Get directions and estimated drive times

This expansion to South Africa is accompanied by an all-new version of Tempo that includes People Insights, Twitter integration and Smart Alerts. Insights are rich contextual details around the people in your calendar – including recent emails, meeting history, mutual contacts, Facebook posts, tweets, LinkedIn information and more.


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