Morocco Regulator Wants Prepay SIM Cards Registered

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Mobile networks in Morocco that offer PrePay SIM Cards do not need to validate their customer’s identification beginning this April, say ANRT, the telecoms regulator.

ANRT announced the policy, which it said applies to both GSM and 3G customers, and banned the sale of pre-activated SIM cards.

Retailers will be required to collect the CNI number from the customer, or another suitable form of identification first.

In addition to that, the mobile networks are supossed to set up a process for collecting the identifications from their existing customer base. The network have been given a tim,e span of a year to secure the id of all their existing customers.

Although the specifics were not laid out in the statement, the regulator said that some process for cutting off unregistered SIM cards can be expected from April 2015.

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