Orange Kenya Connects Over 27 Counties to High Speed Internet

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orangeIn a move to deliver key ICT services to the counties by engaging with County governments on a public-private-partnership basis, Orange Telekom has connected 27 Governor’s offices and County Assemblies to the Orange network as part of its strategy to offer customised end-to-end solutions for all its clients across sectors countrywide.

According to Company CEO Mickael Ghossein, “Among the areas we can support the County governments include e-Security, Optimised Revenue Management and Optimised County Resource Management, Business-Continuity Management, Robust Public Transport and Fleet Management, Call Centres, efficiency in e-health Services, Education and Agriculture.”

Ghossein said that this represents Orange’s first level of engagement with the counties as the Company moves to connecting sub-counties as well as customising ICT products that will help the counties to efficiently and effectively deliver services to residents.

Chief Business Transformation and SMEs Officer, Mireille Helou says that the company has taken time to understand each county, enabling the business offer to the Counties solutions that will meet their specific needs.

“We have started with Internet connectivity to ensure that the services that will be rolled out by the county governments under the PPP model will run efficiently on our extensive Orange Fibre Optic network,” she adds.

Helou says that Orange is also planning on setting up knowledge centres in the counties. The centres will tap into the local IT skills and talent in the county to make access and sharing of information easier within the counties.

“This will be any information on the best farming practices and the kind of crops that can do well in that particular area. We will be partnering with content providers to deliver relevant content to the residents through the centre,” she says.

In addition, high speed Internet connectivity provided at the centres will enable easy and fast streaming of educational material.

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