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Nigeria’s National Population Commission Employs New Technology To Aid In 2016 Census

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Nigeria’s National Population Commission (NPC) will said it will deploy cutting edge technology in the collection, processing and dissemination of national census data in 2016.

Chief Eze Duruiheoma (SAN), chairman of the commission, said that the interest in technology was part of efforts to provide real data that would aid national planning; adding that it was only a reliable, accurate and verifiable census figure that could ensure the realization of the Transformation Agenda of the Federal Government.

The chairman, who expressed worries over the politicization of population issues, said the commission planned to achieve 100 per cent registration by 2015 and enjoined non-governmental organisations to join in sensitizing the people to the census.

“The Commission plans to conduct a truly scientific census which data will be widely available to planners at the national, state and local government levels. Towards this end, cutting edge technology will be adopted. Methodology and strategies for the conduct of biometrics based census are being finalized. Data from vital events will also complement and yield additional data for planning purposes in line with the strategic direction of the commission; we hope to achieve complete coverage in the registration of births and deaths by 2015,” said Dr. Ozor Ughamadu, National President of the association. “The relationship between population and development has not been properly appreciated by planners and decision makers, leading to appalling non integration of population in the planning process.” 

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