Cisco Informs Girls About The Internet Of Everything Through Girls ICT Day

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Cisco hosted a ‘Girls in ICT Day’ for girls aged between 14-18, informing them about the vital role that ICT plays in employability today and how the Internet of Everything will create the jobs of tomorrow.  The 26 girls came from various institutions and had Guest Speaker from Global Peace Foundation, Safaricom and UNESCO.

“At Cisco, we take our commitment to making ICT career opportunities open to all seriously. Cisco has been involved in ‘Girls in ICT Day’ since it started four years ago.   We understand the value of a diverse workforce, and believe that many more girls would pursue careers in ICT if they were better informed about the many different types of jobs available within the sector,” said Hital Muraj, Corporate Affairs Manager, East and Central Southern Africa.

The Girls in ICT Day is an annual day of activities organized by the International Telecommunications Union aimed at improving the understanding of careers in ICT among girls.  This year Cisco will be hosting 2,500 girls at almost 80 of their offices worldwide and across 37 countries in EMEAR giving them the opportunity to network with each other and other role models to inspire them to consider an IT career.

During their visit to Cisco, students will be able to experience and engage with Cisco’s technologies for themselves, including collaboration platforms such as TelePresence and Jabber.  These platforms will enable interaction on the day and beyond with other Girls participating across the globe and of the leading women working within Cisco and its partners and customers.

“By 2020 there will be approximately 50 billion objects connected to the Internet.  At its essence, the Internet of Everything is the networked connection of people, process, data and things…and is set to create an unprecedented level of disruption across industries, globally,” added Muraj

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