Ever wondered how commodity prices compare in your favourite retails stores or the closest store around you? Worry no more, Shoppers Central saves you the hustle by giving you a comprehensive catalogue of products and prices of commodities in your favourite supermarkets and other retails stores right on your phone.
Established in January 2013 by Fabian Kiprop and Joel Musembi while in school at Nairobi School with an Incentive to solve the budgeting problem experienced,Shoppers Central compiles online and offline shopping lists allowing users to easily compare prices. Window shoppers too can now carry out their shopping needs at the comfort of their homes.
“We seek to help reduce the long queues at shopping centres, minimize impulse buying, ease traffic through reducing the number of unnecessary visits to shopping malls and most importantly provide budgeting solution,” Kiprop told TechMoran
Shoppers Central App syncs Supermarkets databases with theirs and using its algorithm, the app collects data on shopping trends, commodity prices and provides real time dynamic information from the retail stores to the end users. The intuitive app also uses location services to enable consumers know the closest retail store based on their current location.
Their revenue sources are from ads and the apps’ unique ability to offer targeted advertisement to specific users depending on the ad specification.
Despite being turned downed severally by venture capitalists and start up incubators, this did not stop these young teen entrepreneurs from making shoppers Central a reality. “Pitching our product has been a bitter sweet experience for us, some were discouraging experiences but all in all we have learnt a lot. Ajibu capital finally agreed to partner with us” says the seeming excited Musembi.
“Our hope for the future of Shoppers Central is to be the central hub of reference to shoppers and a wholesome utility application that will integrate various payment methods,” says Kiprop
The Application is currently only available for android devices, the founders informed TechMoran that they are also working on a Windows Mobile 8 and J2ME release.