Former CCK Boss To Chair Equity Bank’s MVNO Finserve

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Ex-Communications Commission of Kenya Boss, John Waweru has been named chair of Finserve Equity’s Mobile Virtual Network Operator set to begin operation in July.

The new licenses given to the MVNOs have been issued to promote competition in the telecommunications sector. Techmoran earlier reported on the MVNO’s strategy and rollout plan ahead of its launch which includes services to provide subscribers in which it unveiled partnership with mobile operator Airtel.

Mr Waweru who holds a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from University of Nairobi will join the rest of the team; John Staley, the bank’s chief officer, Julius Kipng’etich, the chief operating officer, Rapahel Hukai, chief information officer, Allan Waititu, director special projects and Enrico Nora, executive director for mobile  innovations to help put the infrastructure in place.

The network operator will acquire a 100,000 worth license that will enable an entity to offer services  such as customer registration, SIM card issuance, billing and customer care to end users without holding a spectrum licence.

According to  James Mwangi, the MVNO will be ran with a military precision and discipline which will definitely assist the telco into the industry.

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