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e-Learning Africa Conference Opens Today In Kampala Uganda

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eLearning Africa

The 9th edition of the largest gathering of eLearning professionals on the continent opened its doors in Kampala today at Speke Resort and Conference Centre.

Over 1,500 participants and 300 speakers have arrived from across Africa and the world. Over the next three days eLearning Africa will showcase the stories, experiences, research, thinking and expertise that make up the complex but thrilling picture of ICT for development, education and training in Africa today, under the overall theme of Opening Frontiers to the Future.


By drawing together minds from across the world, eLearning Africa inspires eLearning aficionados and innovators to collaborate. “As we all know,” keynote speaker Sozinho Francisco Matsinhe puts it, “development requires a collective effort!”

Keynote speakers from across Africa include: Cameroonian entrepreneur Rebecca Enonchong, founder and Chief Executive Officer of AppsTech, Kenyan Dr Bitange Ndemo, Honorary Chair of the Foundation for Affordable Internet, Ugandan Honourable John Nasasire, Minister for ICT, Ugandan Honourable George William Nyombi Thembo, Minister of State for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Ugandan Honourable Kamanda Bataringaya, Minister of State for Higher Education.

2014KeySpeakers KeynoteSpeakers

The “collective effort” is perhaps best symbolised by the plenary debate which rounds off the Conference, at which audience and speakers come together to add their voice to world discussion. The provocative motion this year: “This house believes that there is now nothing more important to education than access to the Internet”.

The Conference will run until the 30th of May.


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