payleven enables Easy Taxi to offer in-app card payments

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yellow-cab1Taxi hailing app Easy Taxi and payleven, a company that allows small and medium-sized businesses to accept card payments on-the-go, both Rocket Internet-backed firms have partnred to allow easy booking and payments of cabs/taxi in Brazil with just a credit card.

User enter their credit card details inside the Easy Taxi app once, which are then securely transmitted to and stored in payleven’s payment system. Once stored, passengers can use these payment details for all upcoming cab rides.

The firms say the integration of payleven enables Easy Taxi – with a network of more than 155,000 cab drivers and 7 million users worldwide – to improve the user experience in their home market with a fast and secure payment method. Passengers can pay by card inside the app without having to take their card out of their pocket, and drivers receive an instant confirmation of the payment on their end. Using this payment method should reduce the use of cash for taxi rides, increasing the safety of taxi drivers and passengers.

“The partnership with payleven provides another great benefit for our customers. Cashless payments via cards make the Easy Taxi app even more attractive, combining a fast and convenient user experience with the highest security levels“, says Tallis Gomes, Co-CEO and founder of Easy Taxi.

payleven’s goal is to democratise card payments among small and medium sized businesses in Europe and South America. The payleven model is based on an easy and paperless sign-up process and pay-as-you-go pricing without any fix fees or contractual lock-in. In 2013, payleven has pioneered with launching a Chip & PIN card reader in Europe and Brazil. The reader connects to a smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth and enables businesses to take payments in stores and on-the-go.

The partnership with Easy Taxi forms a great use case for in-app payments. After being first to market with our Chip & PIN card reader in 2013, we are now entering the next level, where payleven is an enabler for app creators. This will further broaden the reach of payleven in the market“, adds Konstantin Wolff, CMO and founder of payleven.

payleven operates in the UK, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and Brazil.

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