President Mugabe yesterday donated 30 state-of-the-art computers to Sabina Mugabe Memorial High and Sacred Heart Secondary Schools as part of his programme to computerize schools.
The two schools received among others accessories like print servers, port switches, multimedia speakers and USB removable disks. Speaking after receiving the computers at State House, Sacred Heart Secondary School head Sister Ludo Ncube, hailed the President’s gesture saying that due to technological changes in the world, it was important for pupils to learn computers at high school level.
“Our school could not cope without computers,” she said.”Your Excellency you really have come to our aid. I am very grateful for this token. The world that we are in is full of technology. If children do not have these gadgets their success is hampered.” Sister Ncube said children should be equipped with computer skills to prepare them for the future.
Sacred Heart head girl, Courtney Chimedza, could not hide her joy for the donation.
“Any good that we receive from anybody is greatly appreciated from the bottom of our heart. A million of words are not enough to express our sincere gratitude.”
Mr Ernest Nyakuwocha, who stood in for Sabina Mugabe Memorial High School head, said they wanted their school to be a centre of information in Zvimba South.
“We want our school to be the first to provide Internet services in Zvimba South,” he said.
“As a school we are going to follow the HEXCO and the zimsec syllabuses using these computers.
“We have a laboratory which is ready for these computers and I want to assure the President that we are going to put them to good use.”
Recently, President Mugabe financed construction of a dormitory at Sacred Heart Girls High School in Esigodini, Matabeleland South province.