Mobile Internet Use To Quadruple Annually According To Report.

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According to new report, Mobile Internet usage is expected to increase 20 times in sub-Sahara Africa in the next five years. This comes after Sub-Saharan Africa Ericsson Mobility Report that indicated that in 2014, mobile phone users in the region accessed 76,000 terabytes (TB) of data per month double the 2013 figure of 37,500 TB per month.

3G technology has also been predicted to outstrip 2G by 2017 to become the region’s dominant form of mobile connection. 2015 will also see Mobile Internet usage double from this year’s figure to 147,000 terabytes per month.

With a prediction of over 930 million mobile subscribers in sub-saharan Africa by the end of 2019 with 557 million smartphones and 710 million broadcast subscriptions. This is due to a surge of social media usage, content rich applications and video content accessed from a new range of cheaper smartphones.

“Sub-Saharan Africa is currently undergoing a mobile digital revolution with consumers, networks and even media companies embracing the possibilities of 3G and 4G technology,” quoted the newtimes Rwanda.

Mobile subscriptions are headed for strictly internet inclusive through 3G or 4G networks.

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