Subscribers sue Uganda telecoms over poor service

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mobile subscriptionFive subscribers have sued four telecommunication companies at the High Court Kampala for poor service that includes network failure and disruptions.

The four, MTN Uganda, Airtel Uganda, Orange Uganda and Uganda Telecom were sued alongside the communications’ regulator, the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) who have been accused for allegedly failing to supervise and ensure that the telecom operators provide quality services to Ugandans.

The petitioners, who include Mr Abel Balemesa, Mr Tito Barugahara, Mr Abdulwahab Mukuye, Mr Aloysius Lubowa and Mr Brian Businge Bruno, filed their complaint against the companies last Thursday.

According to the Daily Monitor, other complaints are irritating and annoying unsolicited messages, blocked calls, dropped calls, poor signal strength, poor customer service and traffic congestion.

There are also issues like intermittent and unsteady network availability, incessant and constant outages, downtimes, system failure, crashes, black outs and poor voice quality and coverage.
The petitioners say the telecom operators have given them a raw deal as there is no value for their money.

Through their lawyers the subscribers claim that due to the malfunctioned systems of the telecom operators they have suffered loss and damage in addition to being denied their rights, including access to basic telecommunications services, right to choose from variety of telecom services available, among others.

They now want court to declare that the four telecom operators breached or failed to comply for the period from April 2013 to date, to provide quality services.

They also want court to compel the four operators to provide quality services to Ugandans.

Court has summoned the telecom operators to file in their defence within 15 days before a hearing date can be fixed.

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