Kenya National Archives to go Digital

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data_center_interior_lit1_largeThe Kenya National Archives will soon digitize its 40,000 unique documents to allow for virtual access by the public according to a report by Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts Patrick Omutia.

Mr. Omutia who was speaking at the digital lighting ceremony of the archives on Wednesday evening said that the adoption of this technology will help researchers and history enthusiasts relive Kenya’s epic history and generate extensive global interest in the country’s rich heritage.

“We want to use this platform to show the world the path Kenya has taken to where it is now. The National Archives has a unique collection of documents that chart the history of this great country. By digitizing this documents, people from all over the world will be able to access the content at any given time,” said Mr. Omutia.

The Kenya National Archives is a museum and an art gallery, all rolled into one. The building was constructed back in 1931 by the National & Grindlays Bank. From 1970 through 1978, it was owned by Kenya Commercial Bank. It was later acquired by the Kenyan government for the National Archives.

Mr. Omutia also thanked technology company Philips for illuminating the iconic building as part of its Cairo to Cape Town roadshow.

“This gesture from Philips is all about celebrating Kenya@50 which is all about reflecting on our past. There’s no better way to support the future than partnering with an organization that supplies light second only to the sun,” said Mr. Omutia.

The digital LED technology creates more light, while making it more focused and controlled. The state of the art lighting system will allow the Kenya National Archives to minimize light spill and directs light exactly to where it is needed.

The lighting can be easily automated in real-time to create unique light shows with varied effects, adjustable to the occasion and time of the day. The system will also simplify the maintenance schedule as the innovative LED lights have an extended lifetime of up to 100,000 hours compared to only 20,000 hours with conventional lighting solutions.

Philips has provided all aspects of the LED lighting at the building, including design consultation, management of the installation with local contractors, programming, commissioning and overall project management.

“It is a moment of pride to see our efforts transform the Kenya National Archives into such an impressive spectacle”, says Mary Kuria, General Manager, Philips Lighting East Africa.

“Using a state of the art lighting system, the façade and masts of this iconic monument now have lights complementing its architecture and adding to its glory,” she added.


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