CEO Weekends: Ten More Huduma Centres to be Opened in July

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Planning  principal secretary Peter Mang'iti and Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya inspect The setting up of Huduma Centre Kakamega today. It is going to be operational in two weeks. Others are Kisumu, and Kisii.
Planning principal secretary Peter Mang’iti and Kakamega Governor
Wycliffe Oparanya inspect The setting up of Huduma Centre Kakamega
today. It is going to be operational in two weeks. Others are Kisumu,
and Kisii.

Ten more Huduma centres are set to be opened to the public from 1st of July this year to provide government services under one roof for residents of Kakamega, Kisumu, Nyeri, Nakuru Mombasa Embu, Kisii, Eldoret, Kajiado and Eastliegh.

According to  Planning Principal Secretary Eng Peter Mang’iti who was speaking in Kakamega, the centres will offer services provided by both the national government and county governments.

While inspecting the on- going preparations ahead of the official launch of the huduma centre at Kakamega posta premises together with Wycliffe Oparanya he said: “The huduma centre is like a supermarket of government services under one roof.”

Mr. Mangiti added that more centres will be set up in the remaining counties during the 2014/ 2015 financial year.

Mr Oparanya thanked the government for setting up the facility in kakamega saying it will go a long way to make services easily available to local residents.

Mr Mangiti later visited the upcoming huduma centre in Kisumu where he expressed

optimism that the new facility based at the county headquarters will ease the pressure

residents face when seeking government services that are scattered in various places in the lakeside city.

He was accompanied by Kisumu county deputy governor Ruth Odinga.

The Jubilee administration adopted the Huduma service concept in order to bring much sought after public services closer to the people and also to remove red tapes that characterized provision of public service.

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