Chamasoft Faces Off Two Others In The Nairobi Smartcamp.

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Today Tech4Africa will host IBM’s Smartcamp Nairobi event at the Bishop magua Centre for the three finalists Chamasoft, Tenacle SaaS and Synacor. The event bring’s people in tech to learn, get inspired and meet new people in the industry.

Running in four major towns; Nairobi, Lagos, Capetown and Johannesburg, the programme hopes to inspire progress, great content spread and have work turned to fun. Kenya’s Chamasoft is a platform that automates all activities in an investment group. It ensures complete automation of records management from members to financial institutions.

The user has access to bank summary, total contribution summary including bar charts of income, expenses, deposits and withdrawal making the app simple to use.

The event will focus on products with daily value for the user in the competition that Chamasoft faces off Tenacle SaaS a merchant solution merging multiple payment channels and Synacor Consortiom’s solution a water management solution that enables efficient day to day operations.


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