The People rebrands, changes revenue model

Ian Fernandez at the lauch
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Mediamax Network-owned the People Daily today rebranded and changed its revenue model which will make it Kenya’s first national free-sheet available with immediate effect various distribution points throughout the country.

“We are excited to bring this successful international concept of a free-sheet in Kenya that will enable Kenyans nationally have access to quality, authoritative and balanced editorial content while offering advertisers increased circulation and reader value opportunities” said Ian Fernandes, Group CEO at Mediamax.

Free daily newspapers have been heralded as a wholly new model for the modern newspaper, one which challenges the traditional business model, but which has the potential to re-energise an industry beset with stagnating readership and falling circulation figures in the age of online news content.

The decision to embrace the free-sheet is part of Mediamax’s plans to grow and change the face of Kenyan media across their award winning stable of broadcast channels, online platforms and print offerings. “Kenya is ready for a new way to receive information and entertainment,” says Fernandes “and we intend to satisfy that need and lead the way on that front.”

The People’s increased print run and subsequent higher circulation will benefit advertisers and provide opportunities such as couponing and sampling in niche geographic regions.

Mediamax has invested heavily in the creation of a ‘converged newsroom’ allowing all channels – traditional and online – to have access to a greater pool of information that they can customize according to specific medium and target audience.

“We are committed to building our editorial strength, creating true reader value and also being a strong, valuable partner to the advertising community” said Fernandes.


Ian Fernandez at the lauch
Ian Fernandez at the lauch



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