App Gives Diabetics Sigh of Relief during Ramadan

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Diabetic mobile appSenegalese developers have come up with a new mobile app that assists people with diabetes manage their health during Ramadan. The app, dubbed mRamadan, is expected to reduce the number of hospitalizations that tend to pike during holy Muslim month of Ramadan.

mRamadan is hyped as ‘quite useful to diabetics’ since it enables them to receive free text messages daily with recommendations for fasting during, before and after the Ramadan.

Although Islam excuses people who are too old, young, not in perfect health or pregnant from fasting, cases where diabetics have tried to stay away from food and drink during Ramadan have been quiet high. Instances where the diabetics have discontinued taking insulin injections to regulate blood glucose levels have been a concern prompting the need to come up with the app.

Failure to continue taking the insulin during the period has put the patients at a greater risk of getting hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, since whenever they fast their diabetes becomes less controlled. Diabetics are also at a more risk of getting dehydrated. The app is expected to address the issues. The app will advise patients with conditions like chronic kidney problems via text messages on how to manage their conditions.

Each day, diabetics receive free text messages with advice about what they should or not do. A number of the messages remind people to take at least one litre of water every morning before fasting. The diabetics may also be advised on whether to adjust the dosage and timing of medications and to restrain from consuming sugary foods in the evening.

Once the holy month of Ramadan is over, patients will keep receiving messages that advice them on the importance of visiting a doctor. This is expected to help them to live active and healthy lifestyles by keeping their conditions under control.

The app is part of ‘Be Healthy Be Mobile program,’ a combined initiative by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and World Health Organization (WHO) targeted at assisting countries to fight against non-communicable diseases.

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