Adobe releases vital Flash player update

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Adobe yesterday released a vital update for Flash Player to address a security vulnerability that exposed users of social networking and commerce sites to hacking.New Adobe-Flash-Player update

The update, which brings Flash update to version, is designed for Macintosh, Linux and Windows OS. According to Adobe, the updates handle flaws that could allow a hacker to take control of an affected system.

The security flaw that this patch addresses allows hackers to steal cookies that certify users on several websites – such as eBay, Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr.

“Several websites that have been affected have worked on their end to rectify the problem”, said Michele Spagnuolo, a security blogger. Adobe’s update also fixes the problem. Thus far, the vulnerability has not been seen though it does not imply that hackers have not tried to exploit it.

Adobe gave out the highest threat level rating to the flaw and alerted users of Linux, Adobe AIR products, Macintosh and Windows to install the update. Individuals using Microsoft Internet Explorer and Google Chrome on Windows 8 will receive automatic updates for the Flash player. Those looking to perform a manual update can visit the Adobe Flash Player Download Center.

Microsoft has also released many vital security updates that patch up 29 vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer and Windows.

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