Philips gives Nigerian arts theatre total lighting makeover

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Leading lighting company Royal Philips has unveiled a dazzling lighting makeover for National Arts Theater in Nigeria’s chief cultural centre Lagos. Already, the theatre has become a major attraction site with improved visitor inflow expected.Royal Philips

Philips installed its most recent range of RGB (red, green, blue) LED lights around the National Theater, accentuating the structures splendor and reducing energy consumption by up to 80-percent, compared to the conventional lighting system.

“This concept is focused on highlighting the significance of this iconic building as an architectural masterpiece and as a source of national pride to Nigeria, and in so doing assist with the buildings energy saving performance,” said Philips.

According to Philips, the new lighting has changed the theater façade as it illuminates the distinctive, memorable and eye-catching structure. The lighting concept will give the building an imposing look in the Lagos skyline.

“The spectacular lighting of Nigerian National Arts Theatre demonstrates the incredible advances that are being made in the efficiency and beauty of LED illumination”, said Abdallah Hussein, the CEO of Philips West Africa.

“LED lighting innovations provide entirely new opportunities to policy makers and governments to enhance city beautification and simultaneously contribute to energy saving. We are extremely proud to see how Philips’ lighting solutions are contributing to improving the attractiveness of this stunning architectural marvel while cutting down energy consumption in Nigeria”.

National Arts Theater is a cultural landmark situated at Iganmu in Lagos. The theater is also Nigeria’s major cultural hub and hosts major performing arts events.

“We have used a total of 48 LED luminaires, combining red, blue and green in each single luminaire, which offers an endless spectrum of colors to highlight the features of this architectural masterpiece. There are also 30 LED white light projectors, which highlight the pillars of the theater,” Philips said in a statement.

Philips aim to strengthen Nigeria’s ambition to improve energy performance in public places is enhanced by using LED lighting solutions.

“We’re delighted with the project Philips has completed at the National Theater of Arts,” stated Mallam Kabir Yusuf, CEO and General Manager of the National Theater.

“To think that such an iconic building in the Lagos skyline now has a state-of-the-art digital lighting technology for the façade is just tremendous. Now the world class and environmentally friendly look of the building ascetically from outside at night will complement the top class contribution of performers and artists inside the building, as well as the breathtaking renovations that have recently taken place in and around the big edifice.”

Philip’s annual flagship roadshow focuses on main challenges facing Africa today such as the revitalization of African healthcare infrastructure and the need for energy-efficient lighting. It is committed to illuminating iconic monuments with the latest LED technology in each city visited during the roadshow.

The roadshow will take place in seven and ten African countries and cities in that order.

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