CEO Weekends: Introducing BeiQuote Kenya’s New Price Search Engine

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pricefindKenya’s BeiQuote, a price search engine aims to let its users find prices for consumer commodities with just a single click on their mobile phones or computers.

Now with over 20,000 items indexed and available in their database BeiQoute team tell TechMoran they build the system on Python and Django and the site is responsive thus it supports both mobile and desktop viewports, but mobile has the most reach and had to be factored in in the first release.

The guys, James Kanyi, Eric Wambugu, Peter Ouma, Paul Kabuchi and Wanyeki Maina say their BeiQuote’s business model is simple.

“Merchants can pay for their items to be ranked highly, also recommendations can be made if a search doesn’t yield any results.
Adsense is also another viable alternative.” They add that all shoppers in Kenya need to confirm the approximate price of a product to make their budgets before they go out to shop, but there has been no where for that. BeiQoute therefore solves that.

They alsi say that owing to the difficulty of obtaining the data and indexing such large amounts of data, many who have tried this have been discouraged.

We know three girls who are doing something similar though, BeiYangu which died and another one dubbed PesaCom. Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

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