Friday, March 14, 2025

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Facebooks’ new feature saves stuff you don’t have time to read

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The world’s largest social network Facebook will soon launch a new feature called “Save” that allows Web, Android and i-OS users to mark the stuff they would like to view later.Facebooks' new feature

According to Facebook, if a user finds something important on his timeline, he can tap on the top-right corner of the story to indicate that he wants to save it in his timeline to read later. Movies, places, TV and other items can also be put in the Save list.

Users can look at their saved items beneath the “More” tab, which is accessible via a normal web browser on a computer, tablet or smartphone.

The new feature gives Facebook an interesting transformation. So far, the only way items like news articles would climb to the top of a user’s news feed was through an intricate algorithm, which managed what users view based on their usage and interests of the site.

Adding this new feature is also a step into competing with other services like Pocket and Instapaper. It is an excellent way for users to gather from around the web interesting items that they would like to read afterwards.

However, Facebook’s service is limited. Users are not allowed to send items from the outside world to the service. The service also works only when connected to the internet, therefore those on a remote desert island, those living in areas of San Francisco without reception or on an airplane are not lucky.

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