Melodramatic Parody Twitter Account of Kenya’s Inspector of Police Suspended

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BtNj_eLIEAEfsgEIt’s not funny when a whole Inspector of Police tweets that the police force is going to cut down trees in a forest to fight insecurity but we all laughed. However, it got more insane when the same account posted that there was a chance for Kenyans who got a D+ and thought life had come to an end, the account claimed the police wanted them like gold.

Even now, we can’t hold our laughter even though this is a serious matter. The good news is that the tweets were coming from a parody account with slightly altered names as @IGKimayio and just 391 followers and not the geniune @IGKimaiyo which is a verified account managed by Inspector General of Police, National Police Service and has over 96,000 followers.

Even better, the parody twitter account has been suspended and sorry guys, no more police force jokes. Some people were folled by the parody though.





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