Telkom CEO under investigation over alleged car licensing cloning case

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Sipho Maseko, Telkom CEO, is under probe after being involved in a suspected car licensing cloning case in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Telkom SA

According to Nthatisi Modingoane, city spokesperson, the allegations about Maseko being on the wrong side of the law is being looked into by the JMPD (Johannesburg metro police department).

“All questions concerning the case should go to the JMPD since Johannesburg is not an investigating agent,” added Modingoane.

However, Modingoane could not tell the kind of case that was being probed by the metro police.

Wayne Minnaar, Metro police spokesperson chief superintendent, stated: “the case is not public information. Any criminal charge or traffic offence against individuals is a matter between the state and that individual. It becomes public information when the case enters court.”

On Friday, The Star reported that Maseko was driving around with his former vehicle’s number plates that were being used legally by businessman Mabena Motshoane, who had bought Maseko’s old Range Rover. He came upon the vehicle accidentally on a Pretoria freeway using his number plates.

Maseko received traffic fines amounting to R30000 though these were sent out to Motshoane to pay, reported The Star.

According to The Star, Motshoane filed a case with the metro police as well as a fraud case with the Booysens police station. Metro police officers visited Maseko’s home though were denied permission to carefully examine his vehicle.

Later, the officers were instructed to leave his premises after allegedly being informed that Trevor Fowler, city manager, had intervened in the matter. However, Motshoane denied saying that Fowler was also involved in the matter, stated the newspaper.

A couple of days later, metro police were permitted to inspect the vehicle though by then Maseko’s number plates had already been altered.

Maseko told the newspaper that he had contacted Fowler. He was also quoted saying, “I was nervous and frightened and the only person I could remember to call was Trevor Fowler. All Fowler did was to direct me to someone within the JMPD who could help me.”

The Star reported it had seen the photographs, fines and video footage of Maseko driving his car with Motshoane’s number plates. However, Pynee Chetty, Telkom representative, refused to comment on the matter.

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