Will Nigeria’s Traffic Beat Help Any Motorists to Avoid Traffic Congestion?

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Lagos has a population of over 21 million people, most of whom use public transport leading to some of the worst traffic jams on its roads even worse than Nairobi, Egypt and several other cities in Africa. Motorists and communters both suffer the delays and accidents caused.

Odionye Confidence, Kay Taiwo and Oxford Harrison are building Traffic Beat to end this menace by empowering commuters and motorists with real-time  data on which alternate routes are less crowded or what accident has occured on what highway. This crucial and free information will help them get to their desired destination faster and with less pain than is custom today on Lagos roads.

The crowd-sourced real-time traffic  app informs users who are made up of commuters and motorists to avoid traffic jams and move from point A to point B. The crew, yet to launch its Android version aim to make money by serving ads on the Home screen and in chat areas, having location based adverts and other partnerships with authorities on servcies such as alerting drivers to renew their licenses among others.

10252040_1416129348661720_4798682837243170296_nTraffik Beat will have to contend with services such as Traffic Chief, Gidi Traffic, Traffic Butter, Traffix among others to crowdsource reports on happeings on roads across Lagos and several other cities in Nigeria. It’s USP is the ability to allow motorists pay their toll fees but like the rest of them, real work is user acquisition by siplicity of the service and app great user interface.
Though advertising is a great revenue stream, it might also app distract users who only need direct info on which routes are not jam-packed and for traffic info service, ads can be an obstacle for user growth.
Launching in a market where other players are already gaining traction will also mean more hours in strategy and more investments for Traffic Beat unlike established services like Gidi Traffic and Traffic Butter.
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