South African Students to participate in Google doodling competition

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South African students between the ages of 6 and 17 years are being invited by Google to make a Google Doodle representing the “South Africa of My Dreams.”

Doodle 4 Google contest

Finalists across four age groups, namely 6 to 8; 9 to11; 12 to 14; and 15 to 17, will be selected by a panel of guest judges who are passionate about children’s education and art.

Local judges for the contest include author John van De Ruit, Survivor champ Graham Jenneker, media and tech entrepreneur Seth Rotherham, Spud star Sven Ruygrok, DJ Fresh, music diva Yvonne Chaka Chaka and Springbok great Pat Lambie.

Google will also require the public to vote for their preferred doodles from every age group. The winners will get gifts, including Google Play vouchers, tablets and R100000 worth of technology for the national winner’s school. The overall winner will be selected by a Google doodler and the winner’s doodle shown on the Google homepage for a day for millions of South Africans to enjoy.

Individuals and schools can now register to participate. Entry forms can be downloaded on the Doodle 4 Google site. October 22, 2014 is the deadline for teachers and parents to present their children’s entries and the doodles can be sent by post or digitally uploaded to the site. There is no restriction on the number of doodles from any family or school as long as there is only one doodle per student.

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